- This is the MLG Boss Fight - 

Instructions are explained in game, but you might want to read these too:

- Use arrow keys to move

- Press down while running to slide

- Press X to fire a laser upwards

- Press Z to fire a laser in the direction your facing

- Red lasers are more powerful than blue ones

- Look out for anything moving

- Dorito bags give you health, so make sure to grab those

- You also gain a little health every stage

Here are the obstacles you will face and what they do:

Obama - Tries to crush you with hands (2dmg)

Mtn Dew Bottle Rockets - flies in from left and right (1 dmg)

Trumpies - these small president clones will run at you, do not touch them (1 dmg)

Obama Prism Spikes - These guys pop up from time to time and hurt you (1 dmg)

Doritos - Rain from the sky (1 dmg) these also have a chance to drop Dorito bags which give you health:

Nacho Cheese bags (5 hp)

Cool Ranch bags (10 hp)

Sweet Chili bags (15 hp)

BBQ bags (20 hp)

There are 7 phases of the MLG bossfight:

Normal phase

Blue phase

Orange phase

Power phase

Fleshy phase

Dark phase

Scarred phase

!!! For the best MLG gaming experience, type "rainbow" into the cheat codes then play w/ headphones and max volume !!!

I created all the graphics using Piskellapp. I coded the entire thing using Scratch. The sounds were made partly by me, but also the internet. Sounds included are:

- Wombo Combo "OH" sound

- Scream Meme

- Stock Explosions

- "Oh baby a triple" meme

Feel free to use any code or graphics from my game and thanks for playing :))

Version History:

- First created on January 22 of 2023

- Updated on January 23 of 2023 

(updated features: bug fixes)

- Updated on January 25 of 2023 

(updated features: added Cheat Codes and fixed bugs)

- Updated on January 26 of 2023

(updated features: added a new alternate bossfight)

- Updated on January 28 of 2023

(updated features: more polished "mogus mode," better parker bossfight, and updated graphics)

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